Wednesday 8 June 2011


Without boring you to death with the usual, `on my holidays I did this` posts, we did do some fancy site seeing. Although a mega city, there are some nice parks and buildings around the Imperial Palace and some very well maintained bushes. Its a little surreal seeing these lovely bright gardens but tranquil gardens while massive skyscrapers peak over the tree tops. The coy are huge - actually I got a little over excited about taking photos of the fishes instead of the scenery and needed a deleting session in a cafe shortly after. Dad`s friend Mike was our tour guide for the day and was kind enough to spend most of the time answering my silly questions about stuff I had noticed. Like for example why we were confused over the time difference, 8 hours or 9. Japan doesn't have day-light saving time so it can be either. Its 8 by the way, incase you were working out the best time to call.

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